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About Us


The Papillion Eagles aka F.O.E. 4029 is a non-profit club made up of volunteers who share the same desire to help others. While our focus is on raising money for charity, we strive to be an active part of our community and organize events and activities that provide a fun experience for our members and we are proud to welcome the public!


The Fraternal Order of Eagles is an international non-profit organization united fraternally in the spirit of liberty, truth. Justice, and equality, to make human life desirable by lessening its ills and promoting peace, prosperity, gladness and hope.


The Aerie (men) and Auxiliary (women) are similar in many ways. In comparison, “The Aerie” is like an Eagle’s Nest. The members of the Aerie include elected Officers and Trustees to help oversee the Nest and provide guidance for the decision making process. The members of the Aerie work side-by-side with the members and Officers of the Auxiliary to care for the Nest – so that together – we can continue to support our charities and stand by our motto of People Helping People.

Our History

The Papillion Eagles Club, Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 4029, has a rich history dating back to its founding in 1983. The Eagles Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to community service, charity, and promoting patriotism. Let’s take a look at the history of this important organization. The Fraternal Order of Eagles was first founded in 1898 in Seattle, Washington. The organization was established to promote social and philanthropic activities, as well as to fight against political corruption and social injustice. The Eagles grew rapidly and by 1910, had over 100,000 members. In 1983, a group decided to form a local chapter of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. This new organization was originally known as the South West Omaha Aerie No. 4029. In later years, it is known as the Papillion Eagles Club, Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 4029.  The Papillion Eagles Club quickly became a vital part of the community, with a focus on community service, charity work, and promoting patriotism. Over the years, the Eagles Club has been involved in a wide variety of community service projects and charitable initiatives. The organization has donated to local food banks, supported veterans’ organizations, and raised funds for various charities through events such as golf tournaments and auctions. Today, the Papillion Eagles Club continues to be a vital part of the community. The organization is actively involved in a wide variety of community service and charitable projects. The history of the Papillion Eagles Club, Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 4029, is a testament to the importance of community service, charity work, and promoting patriotism. For over 41 years, the Eagles Club has been a vital part of the Papillion community, and its legacy continues to inspire future generations to give back to their community and country.

If you are looking for a place to give back, this might be a good place to start!  Our Club is a small club making a big difference both locally and nationally.  If you are interested in becoming a member or would like more information about the Fraternal Order of Eagles please fill out and submit the form below. (NOTE: This is not an application.)

Join us!

F.O.E. Charitable Organizations

Annual State Charity

Each year a charity is chosen by the incoming State Presidents. F.O.E. Clubs across the state of Nebraska focus fundraising efforts to support that charity.

The 2024/2025 State Presidents, Doug Wiese (Aerie) and Amy Melvin (Auxiliary), chose Children’s Nebraska Charity.  In January of 2025, our Club hosted a pot roast meal, LIVE auction and other fundraising activities raising a total of $4703 that evening.


F.O.E. Charity Foundation

Eagles Give 100%

The Fraternal Order of Eagles believes every penny donated to our Charity Foundation should benefit the individuals who need it most – that’s why we return 100% of all funds raised in the form of grants.

While many charities are using your donations to help offset a variety of administrative costs, we use membership dues to cover those costs to ensure your full donation is being used to make a difference in the lives of the men, women and children in need. (

The F.O.E. Charities

  • The Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center
  • Children’s Fund
  • Cancer Fund
  • Heart Fund
  • Spinal Cord Injury Fund
  • Kidney Fund
  • Diabetes Fund
  • Alzheimer’s & Neurological Fund
  • Parkinson’s Fund
  • Golden Age Fund
  • Muscular Dystrophy Fund

Join Us

Address: 102 N Washington St, Papillion, NE 68046

Phone: (402) 593-7684

National Fraternal Order of Eagles

Nebraska Fraternal Order of Eagles

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